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Corn salad

Corn salad
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Corn Salad

which is also called “corn lettuce” or “lamb’s lettuce”. Common names include corn salad (or cornsalad), lamb's lettuce, mâchefetticusfeldsalatnut lettuce, field salad, and rapunzel. In restaurants that feature French cooking, it may be called doucette or raiponce, as an alternative to mâche, by which it is best known.

Mâche is a European salad green that grows in small, rosette-shaped bunches. It has dark green leaves on short stems. It has a distinct sweet taste making it known as the “mayonnaise of salad greens”. It is wonderful dressed simply with toasted walnut oil and a dash of good sherry vinegar.

Common in parts of Europe, mache is tender with a pleasant nutty flavor. Best for salads. The ability to thrive in cool weather makes mache the ideal counter seasonal market item. In much of Germany, mache is planted specifically for the winter holiday salad market.

Lamb’s Lettuce (or mâche, or field greens, or Rapunzel…) is unique not only for its delicate rosette shape, but also for its buttery texture.  It’s usually served in salads, but can also be thrown into soup or wilted slightly in a quick sauté with oil.

Health Benefits of Corn Salad

1. Mache is loaded with this vital nutrient.  In fact, on an ounce-by-ounce basis, mache contains almost as much vitamin C as lemon juice!

2. Vitamin C is perhaps best known for its antioxidant effects, but it also plays a critical role in a number of other bodily functions. 

3. Most people associate pro-vitamin A with orange vegetables, such as carrots and apricots, but there are also plenty of green leafy vegetables that are packed with this eye sight protecting nutrient. 

4. If you have a background in nutritional sciences you may know that bananas, bell peppers, and wheat germ are all good sources of vitamin B6. Mache is a great source of this important B complex vitamin.

5. Also known as pyridoxine, vitamin B6 is a versatile nutrient that performs a wide variety of functions in the body. It is involved, for example, in the metabolism of amino acids (proteins), carbohydrates, and lipids (fats), as well as in cognitive development and immune function. 

6. Along with spinach, mache lettuce is at the top of the list of iron-containing salad greens. A 3.5-oz serving of raw mache provides 2.2 milligrams of iron, which makes mache only a slightly less concentrated source of iron than spinach.

7. Mache is also a wonderful source of potassium and copper, both of which are famous for their heart health protecting properties.

8. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure, while copper helps keep your cholesterol levels in check. In addition, studies have linked copper deficiency to abnormal electrocardiograms, glucose intolerance and high blood pressure.

Read More at Wikipedia.
Recipes Using Corn Salad see Here and Here.

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