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Bael Tree: The bael fruit tree which is commonly grown in India is found mostly near the temples, as the leaves of the tree bark is traditionally used as sacred offering to Lord Shiva. The tree is also regarded as sacred in Indonesia and Malaysia. In Florida only the small, hard-shelled type is known and this has to be sawed open, cracked with a hammer, or flung forcefully against a rock. Fruits of this type are standard for medicinal uses rather than for consuming as normal food.

Bael Fruit: Bael belongs to the same family as the orange; it has a thin hard woody shell that turns yellow when ripe. The pulp of the fruit is orange-colored, with numerous, hairy seeds embedded in it. The fruit’s medicinal value is very high when it is just beginning to ripen; therefore it is best eaten fresh just as it ripens. Bael fruit’s claim to fame rests most on its medicinal properties.

Culinary uses of bael fruit

Bael fruit eaten fresh; also prepared as sun-dried slices, pickled, sherbet, juice, fruit punch,  teacake, rasam, chutneymurabba and syrup. The young leaves and shoots are eaten as a vegetable in Thailand and used to season food in Indonesia.

Nutrient Content of Bael per 100 g of Edible Portion

Vitamin A: 55 mg, Vitamin C: 8-60 mg,Thiamine: 0.13 mg, Riboflavin: 1.19 mg, Niacin: 1.1 mg, Protein: 1.8-2.62 g, Fat: 0.2-0.39 g, Carbohydrates: 28.11-31.8 g, Water: 54.96-61.5 g

Health Benefits of Bael Fruit:

1. Bael has a high tannin content which makes it an effective cure for dysentery and cholera. There is as much as 9% tannin in the pulp of wild fruits, less in the cultivated types. The rind contains up to 20%. The leaves also contain tannin.
2. Bael is beneficial in the digestive system and it is also a mild laxative.
3. A decoction of the unripe Bael fruit with ginger and fennel is said to be effective for the treatment of hemorrhoids.
4. The juice of Bael leaves mixed with honey, can relieve catarrh and fever.
5. Bael pulp is used in the treatment of Vitiligo.
6. Bael leaf decoction is said to alleviate asthma.
7. A hot poultice of Bael leaves is considered an effective treatment for various inflammations.
8. Bael bark decoction is administered in cases of malaria.
9. Bael fruit, roots and leaves have antibiotic activity.
10. Bael root, leaves and bark are used in treating snakebite.
11. An infusion from bael leaves is an effective remedy for peptic ulcer.

Read More at Wikipedia also see Here.
Heath Benefits see Here and Here.

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MERCEDES48582015-02-23 21:14 (10 years ago.)
