Blue FishBluefish are widely distributed around the world in tropical and subtropical waters. Adult bluefish are typically between 20 and 60 cm long, with a maximum reported size of 120 cm and 14 kg. They reproduce during spring and summer, and can live for up to 9 years
Bluefish is a migratory, warm-water species that ranges throughout the Atlantic Ocean from Nova Scotia to Argentina, from Spain to southern Africa. Swimming together in large schools, strong, stout bluefish migrate north with warming water temperatures and generally, but not always, appear along Maine's coast during the summer months.
Cooking:Blue fish Prepared by different ways grill, panfry, fish curry...
Nutritional Value of Blue Fish:
Low in sodium
No sugar
Very high in niacin
High in phosphorus
Very high in selenium
High in vitamin B6
Very high in vitamin B12
Blue Fish are high in cholesterol
Recipe for
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