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Brocciu is a whey cheese produced from sheep milk or goat milk. This is notable as a substitute for lactose-rich Italian Ricotta, as brocciu does not contain lactose.

Produced on the island of Corsica, Brocciu is considered the national food. Like Ricotta, it is a young white cheese and is paired frequently with Corsican white wines.

The word brocciu is related to the French word "brousse" and means fresh cheese made with goat or ewe's milk.

Production of Brocciu: Brocciu is made from whey. First, the whey is heated to a low temperature of just a few degrees below 100 °F and then ewe's milk is added and further heated to just a bit below 200 °F. After heating, the cheese is drained, the whey removed, and the cheese is finished.

Serving of Brocciu: the cheese is ready for consumption immediately, although ripening is acceptable between perhaps a couple weeks to a month. However, the ideal affinage time for Brocciu is 48 hours to one month. Other Corsican sheep's-milk cheeses are Asco, Brin d'amour (also known as Fleur du Maquis), A filetta, Sarteno and Niolo.

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