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Cranberry Bean

Cranberry Bean
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Cranberry Bean

The cranberry bean is a variety of common bean first bred in Colombia as the cargamanto. The bean is a medium to large tan or hazelnut-colored bean splashed or streaked with red, magenta, or black.

A new cranberry bean variety, 'Crimson', is light tan speckled with maroon. It is resistant to viruses and has a high yield.

The Borlotti bean, also known as the Roman bean or romano bean (not to be confused with the Italian flat bean, a green bean also called "romano bean"), is a variety of cranberry bean bred in Italy to have a thicker skin. It is used in Italian, Portuguese (Catarino bean), Turkish, and Greek cuisine.The cranberry bean looks similar to the pinto bean, but differs in taste.

Nutritional Value:

Cranberry beans provide more protein than any other plant-derived food. They are a good source of starch, provide B-complex vitamins that include B1 or thiamine, B2 or riboflavin, B3 or niacin, B5 or pantothenic acid, B6 or pyridoxine, B12 or cobalamins, biotin, and folate. They provide iron, potassium, zinc, and other essential minerals. They also provide isoflavones, saponins, and phytosterols, most are high in soluble fiber, low in calories and fat.

Health Benefits:

1. Cranberry Bean is a good dose of vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, aids in energy metabolism, normalizing blood sugar levels, and synthesizing antibodies, cholesterol, hemoglobin, and some hormones.

2. It provides phytosterols, which have anticancer and cholesterol-lowering properties.

3. Cranberry Bean is a good dose of vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, vitamin that promotes protein metabolism, metabolism of carbohydrates and release of energy, proper nerve function, and synthesis of red blood cells.

4. It a good dose of biotin, vitamin for energy metabolism.

5. It  is a good dose of vitamin B12, also known as cobalamins, needed to make red blood cells, DNA, RNA, and myelin for nerve fibers.

6. It a good dose of folate, needed to make DNA, RNA, and red blood cells, and to synthesize certain amino acids. Folate helps prevent congenital neurological defects in pregnant or woman who are planning pregnancy.

7. It is a good dose of potassium, which gives a positive effect in lowering blood pressure. Also helps maintain fluid balance, promotes proper metabolism and muscle functions.

8. Cranberry beans provides a good balance of complex carbohydrates and proteins. They provide a slow, steady source of glucose making it a good food for diabetics. They are comparable to kidney beans in nutrients.

9. It provides  a high dose of soluble fiber that makes you feel full which may reduce your appetite. Also, it lowers LDL cholesterol reducing the risk of heart disease, regulates blood sugar which may reduce the onset risk or symptoms of metabolic syndrome and diabetes, and may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, and help manage diarrhea.

10. Cranberry Bean  provides a good dose of riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, which plays a key role in energy metabolism, and for the metabolism of fats, ketone bodies, carbohydrates, and proteins. It is essential for energy metabolism and aids adrenal functions.

11. It provide isoflavones, phytoestrogens, protect against heart disease and cancer.

12. It is a good dose of iron, needed to produce hemoglobin which transports oxygen throughout the body.

13. It is a good dose of protein, necessary for the building and repair of body tissues, produces enzymes, hormones, and other substances the body uses. Regulates body processes, such as water balancing, transporting nutrients, and making muscles contract, keeps the body healthy by resisting diseases, and prevents one from becoming easily fatigued by producing stamina and energy.

14. This bean provides a good dose of thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, vitamin that plays a role in energy metabolism, helps maintain normal digestion, appetite, and proper nerve function.

15. It is a good dose of zinc, instrumental in metabolic action of enzymes, essential for growth and reproduction, support immune function.

16. It provides saponins, a flavonoid, may bind to cholesterol in the digestive tract lowering the risk for heart disease.

17. It provides a good dose of niacin, also known as vitamin B3, involved in DNA repair, and the production of steroid hormones in the adrenal gland. 

18. Niacin helps protect against pellagra, characterized by dermatitis, diarrhea, and mental disturbance. It is needed to metabolize energy, promote normal growth, and in large doses lowers cholesterol.

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