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Moringa oleifera or 
drumstick is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Moringa. English common names include moringa, drumstick tree, from the appearance of the long, slender, triangular seed pods.

The fruit is a long, thin pod, resembling a Drumstick. The fruit itself is called drumstick in India. Sometimes referred to as a bean, this long, rigid pod grows on a tree. Its hard, green outer covering is rigid enough to earn its common name of drumstick.  The only portion consumed is the soft, almost jelly-like interior in which the seeds are embedded. The seeds, too, are nice to eat if the beans are young, but a drumstick is never young enough to eat the outer skin.

Culinary Uses

1. Appetizing, when cut peeled and into finger lengths and cooked in spicy gravy

2. At a formal meal, the shell of a piece of drumstick is split open with spoon and fork, and the spoon used to scrape out the succulent interior with all its delicious flavour. During family meals the preferred method is to pick up the section of drumstick with the fingers and scrape away the soft centre with the teeth. The woody exterior is also chewed to extract flavour and then discarded on the side of the plate. 

3. Sambhar made with lentils and vegetables is the most loved side dish for rice or dosas or idli's in southern India.

4. Sliced, young green pods can be used in savory and meat dishes. 

5. Though many would like to stick to its use in curries, sambhar, kormas, and dals, it is a surprise vegetable, which also makes tasty cutlets, etc.
6. Tender drumstick, finely chopped, makes an excellent garnish for any veggies, dals, sambhar, salads, etc.
7. If the pulp has to be scraped out after cooking the sticks, then keep the pieces as long as 4-5 inches long. Also do not scrape the skin before boiling. This will help to hold and scrape them easier and with lesser mess.

Health Benefits of drumstick:

1. Nutritionally, drumstick pods are of great value as sources of calcium, phosphorous and vitamin C.
2. A folk remedy for digestive disorders, gastric ulcers, skin diseases.
3. Expectant mothers will gain the calcium, iron and vitamins and it will also ease the delivery process. Lactating mothers can increase the flow of their milk, by eating this veggie.
4. Helps you overcome fatigue.
5. A good blood cleanser and blood builder.

Read More at Wikipedia.
More Recipes Using Drumstick See Here and Here.

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