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Garden cress

Garden cress
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Garden Cress

Cress sometimes referred to as garden cress to distinguish it from similar plants also referred to as cress, is a rather fast-growing, edible herb. Garden cress is genetically related to watercress and mustard, sharing their peppery, tangy flavor and aroma. In some regions, garden cress is known as mustard and cress, garden pepper cress, pepperwort pepper grass, or poor man's pepper.

Cooking with Cress

Garden Cress is eaten alone on fresh bread with butter, or with lettuce; in salads, part of the greens. Land cress is considered a satisfactory substitute for watercress. It can be used in sandwiches, or salads, or cooked like spinach, or used in soup. It is also eaten as sprouts, and the fresh or dried seed pods can be used as a peppery seasoning. Cut cress shoots are commonly used in sandwiches with boiled eggs, mayonnaise and salt.

Health benefits of Garden Cress

1. Garden cress is an important source of iron, folic acid, calcium, vitamins C, E and A. Because of its high iron and protein content, it is often given post-partum to lactating mothers .
2. The seed contains arachidic and linoleic fatty acids. 
3. The seeds are high in calories and protein, whereas the leaves are an excellent source of vitamin A, C and folate
4. Garden cress seeds are good expectorants and when chewed they treat sore throat, cough, asthma and headache.

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Recipes for Garden Cress.

Nutrition Data for Cress, garden, raw (11203)

NutrientNutrient value per 100 gm1 cup1 sprig
Water89.4 g44.7 g0.894 g
Energy32 kcal16 kcal0.32 kcal
Protein2.6 g1.3 g0.026 g
Total lipid (fat)0.7 g0.35 g0.007 g
Carbohydrate, by difference5.5 g2.75 g0.055 g
Fiber, total dietary1.1 g0.55 g0.011 g
Sugars, total4.4 g2.2 g0.044 g
NutrientNutrient value per 100 gm1 cup1 sprig
Calcium, Ca81 mg40.5 mg0.81 mg
Iron, Fe1.3 mg0.65 mg0.013 mg
Magnesium, Mg38 mg19 mg0.38 mg
Phosphorus, P76 mg38 mg0.76 mg
Potassium, K606 mg303 mg6.06 mg
Sodium, Na14 mg7 mg0.14 mg
Zinc, Zn0.23 mg0.115 mg0.0023 mg
NutrientNutrient value per 100 gm1 cup1 sprig
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid69 mg34.5 mg0.69 mg
Thiamin0.08 mg0.04 mg0.0008 mg
Riboflavin0.26 mg0.13 mg0.0026 mg
Niacin1 mg0.5 mg0.01 mg
Vitamin B-60.247 mg0.1235 mg0.00247 mg
Folate, DFE80 µg40 µg0.8 µg
Vitamin B-120 µg0 µg0 µg
Vitamin A, RAE346 µg173 µg3.46 µg
Vitamin A, IU6917 IU3458.5 IU69.17 IU
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)0.7 mg0.35 mg0.007 mg
Vitamin D (D2 + D3)0 µg0 µg0 µg
Vitamin D0 IU0 IU0 IU
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)541.9 µg270.95 µg5.419 µg
NutrientNutrient value per 100 gm1 cup1 sprig
Fatty acids, total saturated0.023 g0.0115 g0.00023 g
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated0.239 g0.1195 g0.00239 g
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated0.228 g0.114 g0.00228 g
Cholesterol0 mg0 mg0 mg
NutrientNutrient value per 100 gm1 cup1 sprig
Caffeine0 mg0 mg0 mg
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. 2013. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 26. Nutrient Data Laboratory Home Page
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Devan.Dunno2015-03-18 01:09 (10 years ago.)

Cress sounds delicious I'm going to go buy some