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Glazing agent

Glazing agent
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Glazing agent

A glazing agent is a natural or synthetic substance that provides a waxy, homogeneous, coating to prevent water loss and provide other surface protection for the substance.

Natural glazing agents have been found present, most often in plants or insects. In nature, the agents are used to keep the moisture in the specimen, but science has harnessed this characteristic by turning it into a glazing agent that acts as a coating. This glazing agent is made up of a substance that is classified as a wax.

Synthetic Science has produced similar glazing agents that mimic their natural counterparts. These components are added in different proportions to achieve the most optimal glazing agent for a product. These products range from things in the cosmetic, automobile and food industry.

Some of the characteristics that are looked for in all of the above industries are:
  •  Preservation- It refers to the glazing agent to be able to protect the product from degrading and water loss. The characteristic can lead to a longer shelf life for a food or the                           longevity of a car without rusting.
  •  Stability- It is important for the glazing agent itself to maintain its integrity if under any pressure or heat.
  •  Uniform viscosity- This ensures for a stronger protective coating because it can be applied to the product as a homogeneous layer.
  • Industrial reproduction- This is important because most glazing agents are used on commercial goods and therefore large quantities of glazing agent may be needed.

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