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Halibut is the largest flat fish. Halibut is a flatfish, Other flatfish are also called halibut. The name is derived from haly (holy) and butt (flat fish), for its popularity on Catholic holy days. Halibut are demersal fish which live in the North Pacific and the North Atlantic oceans. They are highly regarded food fish.

The halibut is the largest flat fish. It is almost 100 lbs. heavier than the previous record, but is awaiting certification.

Halibut are dark brown on the top side with an off white underbelly and have very small scales invisible to the naked eye embedded in their skin. At birth, they have an eye on each side of the head, and swim like a salmon. After six months, one eye migrates to the other side, making them look more like flounder. At the same time, the stationary eyed side darkens to match the top side, while the other side remains white. This color scheme disguises halibut from above (blending with the ocean floor) and from below (blending into the light from the sky) and is known as countershading.

Cooking with Halibut:

They are generally prepared by baking, broiling, grilling, pan-searing, or frying. Adding a marinade is a common way to infuse the fish with extra flavor.

Halibut are often boiled, deep-fried or grilled while fresh. Smoking is more difficult with halibut meat than it is with salmon, due to its ultra-low fat content. Eaten fresh, the meat has a clean taste and requires little seasoning. Halibut is noted for its dense and firm texture.

Halibut have historically been an important food source to Native Americans and Canadian First Nations, and continue to be a key element to many coastal subsistence economies. 

The Atlantic population is so depleted through overfishing, it may be declared an endangered species. According to Seafood Watch, consumers should avoid Atlantic halibut. Most halibut eaten on the East Coast of the United States are from the Pacific.

Health Benefits of Halibut:

1. With omega-3 fatty acids in abundance, halibut provides several cardiovascular benefits. Not only does it prevent irregular and erratic heartbeats but it also assists in stoppage of clumping of arteries. Halibuts also benefit the body by lowering cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

2. Being a good source of folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, halibuts are extremely beneficial in lowering homocysteine levels in the body, which are known to cause arterial damage. A moderate consumption of this freshwater fish reduces chances of arteriosclerosis.

3. Rich in essential nutrients, particularly magnesium, eating halibuts improve blood flow and distribution of nutrients to the entire body.

4. It offers significant protection against both early and late age-related macular degeneration and fends off dry eye syndrome.

5. A weekly consumption of fish, like halibut, provides significant reduction in the rate of coronary heart disease, as compared to eating fish occasionally. In addition the selenium present in it is a crucial antioxidant which is very important for a healthy liver. Liver detoxifies and clears potentially harmful compounds such as pesticides, drugs, and heavy metals from the body.

6. Halibut provides protection against ovarian and digestive tract cancers.

7. Regular consumption of halibut has been proven to reduce the risks of developing cancers of the kidneys and colorectal. By decreasing the high blood pressure, the omega-3 fatty acids stimulate the healthy functioning of the brain and prevent osteoporosis too.

8. To maintain a healthy immune system, consuming a nutritious diet is important. Halibut is one of those foods that contain niacin, potassium, selenium, protein, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B6.

9. The selenium content in halibuts maintains the health of the liver. Since it is highly responsible for detoxifying and clearing potentially harmful compounds like pesticides, drugs and heavy metals, selenium also acts as a protecting agent against cancer and heart disease.

10. When consumed in the boiled or baked form, halibut is likely to decrease the risk of atrial fibrillation, the most common type of heart arrhythmia in elders. Fried halibut, on the other hand, is unadvisable as it releases free radicals that damage the body. 

11. Studies reveal that fishermen have a lesser risk of developing leukemia, multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma since they consume a sufficient quantity of fish, particularly halibut.

12. A diet that includes cold water fatty fish, like halibut, helps in promoting better functioning of nervous system and protection from the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease. It is recommended to have halibut at least thrice a week for maximum benefits.

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Recipe for Halibut  Link1     Link 2

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