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Lima bean

Lima bean
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Phaseolus lunatus is a legume grown for its edible seed. It is commonly known as the butter bean or lima bean

The term "butter bean" is widely utilised for a large, flat and yellow/white variety of lima bean.

In the United Kingdom and some areas in the American South, "butter beans" refers to either dried beans which can be purchased to re-hydrate, or the canned variety which are ready to use. In culinary use there, lima beans and butter beans are distinct, the latter being large and yellow, the former small and green. In areas where both are considered to be lima beans, the green variety may be labelled as "baby" limas.

Butter Beans is a term used to describe certain big, flat seeded lima beans.  There is no separate botanical classification for a butterbean.  It is basically a description of the way that they are prepared for cooking. Whereas most limas are grown to the dry stage, butterbeans are generally shelled fresh while in the late green stage, cooked and buttered.

Health benefits of 
lima bean:

1. Manganese
Lima beans are a good source of manganese. This trace element plays an important role in metabolism and bone development. Manganese is only found in small quantities in your body. According to the Mayo Clinic, you need manganese to help break down fats, protein and carbohydrates. 

2. Fiber
Fiber is needed for a good number of bodily functions, including digestion and colon health. Fiber prevents constipation and decreases cholesterol levels. It also keeps you from snacking on unhealthy foods throughout the day. You tend to stay fuller longer when you eat a diet rich in this nutrient. You lose weight faster when adding it to your diet.

3. Iron
Lima beans are rich in iron, which provides cell growth in your body. Although a diet of lean meats and fish is better than eating red meat, legumes provide the best sources of iron.

4. Carbohydrates
As with all legumes, lima beans provide good carbohydrates. Carbohydrates found in sugars promote weight gain. The good carbohydrates in lima beans help your metabolism work properly and promote weight loss. Lima beans are a good way to enjoy carbs without gaining extra pounds.

5. Protein
The protein in lima beans has several nutritional benefits. Protein keeps your hair and nails strong. Your body also repairs damaged or weak muscle tissue with protein. If you choose to eat an all-protein diet, add lima beans or some other type of legume to your meal plan. Bean protein is digested better than meat protein.

6. Folate
Folate is a nutrient needed for fetal development, red blood cell production and nerve function. Lima beans provide an excellent source of this nutrient.

7. Magnesium
Magnesium works with manganese and calcium to build strong bones. This important mineral is found in numerous foods, including lima beans. Eating a diet that contains foods rich in this mineral keeps you from experiencing muscle weakness, headaches and many other health problems.

8. Potassium
Potassium is an electrolyte used in cell production and muscle contraction. It also plays an important part in your heart health and digestion. Potassium works with several other minerals in your body. It helps calcium, manganese and magnesium maintain strong bones.

9. Low Sodium
Lima beans are low in sodium. Too much sodium leads to swelling in your body and high blood pressure. This bean is great for you if you’re watching salt intake.

10. Copper
Lima beans provide copper, an element mainly found and stored in the liver. It works as an antioxidant in your body to prevent illness, cell damage and other health problems.

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