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Mizuna, shui cai, kyona, Japanese mustard, Potherb mustard, Japanese greens, California peppergrass, or spider mustard is a cultivated variety of Brassica rapa nipposinica. This plant happens to be extremely cold tolerant, making it popular with gardeners in cold regions. This plant is adorned by a pretty patterned leaves that are light to dark green in color. The leaves more or less resemble fern fronds complimenting a feathery look. The short, slender leaf stalks are white and juicy. The plant cluster reaches a height of about 9 inches with a diameter of approximately 18 inches when fully grown.

Mizuna is one such plant that is excessively cold tolerant, that makes it quiet popular especially with gardeners belonging to cold regions. It is associated with the mustard family.

This plant is characterized with an overall vigorous and steady growth. These plants tend to reappear even after cutting.

These greens have a history with countries like China and Japan, where these plants were cultivated extensively since ancient times. 

Types of Mizuna:

Mizuna varieties come in different textures and colors. There are over 10 different varieties of mizuma greens some of which are the following: Kyona Mizuna, Early Mizuna, Vitamin Green Mizuna, Happy Rich Mizuna, Waido Mizuna, Tokyo Early Mizuna, Kyoto Mizuna, Summer Fest Mizuna, Mibuna Mizuna, Komatsuna Mizuna, Purple Mizuna

In Kitchen:

The taste of mizuna has been described as a piquant, mild peppery flavor...slightly spicy, but less so than arugula.It is also used in stir-fries, soups, and nabemonoOmelette with Mizuna.

Mostly spotted in mesclun salad mixes, this vegetable is attributed with a kind of mild and exotic mustard- like flavor. It is the young leaves that taste best when used raw, while the older leaves should be lightly cooked.

Other common names associated with this salad green include Xiu Cai, Potherb Mustard, Kyona, Japanese Mustard, Spider Mustard and California Peppergrass.

These greens are like power food that also compliments an outstanding flavor at the same time

Health Benefits of Mizuna:

The mild mizuna greens are packed with vitamin C, iron and folate that are extremely vital for good health. Vitamin C enhances the immune system holding up a good fight against deadly viruses that tend to attack our body.

Introducing mizuna greens to your diet can also reduce the risk of acquiring cancer.  These contain powerful antioxidants known as glucosinolates that have the capability to keep cancer at bay.

Read More at Wikipedia.
How to Cook Mizuna.

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