Yellowtail SnapperOcyurus chrysurus, the yellowtail snapper, is an abundant species of snapper native to the eastern Atlantic Ocean including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. Although they have been found as far north as Massachusetts, their normal range is along Florida south to the West Indies and Brazil. This species is mostly found around coral reefs, but may be found in other habitats. They occur at depths of from near the surface to 590 ft, though mostly between 33 and 230 ft. This species can reach a length of 34.0 in TL though most do not exceed 16 in. The greatest weight recorded for this species is 4.1 kilograms.
In certain reefs, most notably in the Florida Keys, this beautifully colored fish is commonly spotted among divers and snorkelers. Yellowtails feed on shrimp, crabs, worms and smaller fish.
Most anglers pursue yellowtail snapper during the warmer months, but they can be caught throughout the year. Yellowtail must be a foot in overall length to be harvested in most areas, and bag limits apply in most regions. Yellowtail snapper is highly prized for its light, flaky meat and is considered by some to be one of the best of the snapper family.
Culinary use of Yellowtail snapper:Yellowtail snapper is prepared by different ways stuffed whole roasted, curry, grilled, oven Roasted, sautéed, steamed, panfried....
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